Treehouse Eyes Myopia Blog

Comeback frequently to our blog to see the latest case studies, patient stories, research and new treatments available for childhood myopia

New USA Today article details the rise in childhood myopia

December 2, 2019

  Another great article today appeared in USA today detailing the rise of myopia in children. This article interviews parents…

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Using the latest technology to care for your child

November 11, 2019

  One of the many reasons to bring your child to Treehouse Eyes for myopia treatment is our technology. Customizing…

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Case study: Year 2 results for swimmer KH

November 11, 2019

By Dr. Kevin Chan, O.D. FAAO   KH is a 9-year-old girl of Indian descent who came to Treehouse Eyes…

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Case study: Customizing treatment for a struggling 7-year-old

November 11, 2019

By Jennifer Lee, O.D IB is a 7-year old female who came in for a consultation in September of 2017.…

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Nearsightedness in kids might be lessened by time outdoors

October 15, 2019

Kids today experience the world differently than we did. Digital devices and books change where and how they spend their…

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Myopia Update from Dr. G. Vike Vicente, Pediatric Ophthalmologist

October 2, 2019

Myopia Update August 2017 – by Dr. G. Vike Vicente Dr. Vicente is a Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Eye Doctors of Washington.…

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