Treehouse Eyes Myopia Blog

Comeback frequently to our blog to see the latest case studies, patient stories, research and new treatments available for childhood myopia

The Myopia Epidemic – What it is, Why it Matters, and What Moms (and Dads, and Kids and Doctors) Can Do About it

September 14, 2020

Dr. Thomas Aller, OD, FBCLA The Myopia Epidemic Myopia is an eye disease with the symptom of blurred distance vision.…

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It’s time to treat Myopia

September 9, 2020

Please read our summary of the recent mention of Treehouse Eyes in The Wall Street Journal.   In ten years,…

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Can Myopia be Cured?

September 8, 2020

As an eye doctor specializing in treating myopia in children, I am excited that so many parents are becoming better…

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Is Myopia a Disease?

September 1, 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that 50% of the world’s population will have myopia by 2050, a staggering figure.…

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Summer is here: how to take care of your child’s eyes during the pandemic

June 10, 2020

With kids finally out of school, now is the time for parents to think about their child’s eyes and vision.…

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Tips for kids and screen use

May 12, 2020

Parents are dealing with kids using an unprecedented amount of screens during this time. While we can’t stop online learning,…

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COVID-19: The impact of school from home on your child’s vision and eye health

April 1, 2020

Kids across the country have started distance learning due to COVID-19. Many concerned parents have asked about the impact of…

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The Positive Effects of Outdoor Time on Kids

February 27, 2020

Parents know that outdoor time is good for kids–studies show outdoor movement helps in many areas of childhood development. A…

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Can you prevent myopia in your child?

January 30, 2020

The dramatic rise in childhood myopia (blurry distance vision) in recent years has driven robust discussion over the cause.. This…

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Why Myopia matters: the link to eye disease

December 23, 2019

  For most people myopia (blurry distance vision) is a nuisance easily fixed with glasses or contact lenses. While myopia…

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